The illusions of Maya, which are demarcated from truth and falsehood, play on perceptions of reality. Interestingly, "Maya" is also the name of a 3D modeling software used to create renderings, or illusions, of reality. Illusions are neither distinctly true nor false; they challenge our senses and distort our perception, making what we see appear real. However, they also serve to awaken us, expanding our perception to a greater reality. This helps us discern what is truly real and what isn't. Remember, the mirage doesn't trick the viewer.
In Hindu philosophy, the term "illusion" has various interpretations. Many monist philosophies clearly differentiate between illusion, truth, and falsehood. For instance, in Advaita philosophy, an illusion is something that is neither entirely true nor entirely false. While in general discourse, an illusion might be seen as false, Hindu philosophy draws a distinction between Maya (illusion) and falsehood.
il·lu·sion (iˈlo͞oZHən/noun): 1. A thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.