When Galaxies Collide
Let's look four billion years into the future. A group of our descendents stands with their teacher and looks up at a night sky ablaze with thousands of dazzling white stars. All of these new stars are being born, their teacher tells them, because of an immense cosmic event.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has collided with another galaxy, called Andromeda. Although the two galaxies are passing through each other at a million miles an hour, the whole process will take many millions of years to complete. And when everything settles down, the two galaxies will have merged into one.
The students fear that this may be the end of life, as they know it. But, their teacher reassures her class that there is very little chance of stars from the Andromeda galaxy hitting the Sun or the Earth. Even though the galaxies pass clear through each other, she says, stars in a galaxy are spaced very far apart.
They are like grains of sand separated by the length of a football field. The Andromeda stars simply pass by. But galaxies are more than just stars. They contain giant clouds of gas and dust. And, when galaxies collide, these clouds smash into one another. The clouds contain the raw materials needed to make new stars. It is the collision between clouds that has triggered a starry baby boom!
Source: NASA
The Andromeda-Milky Way Collision
I found a pretty interesting article from NASA that discusses the cosmic collision of the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxy. The event will occur billions of years into the future and give birth to new stars. Although the event is described as a collision, a cosmic merge is a more fitting term. According to NASA, this is not the end...
Last Known Gay Holocaust Survivor Speaks Out
The Pink Triangles
“The way Nazis treated the ‘pink triangles’ is unspeakable,” Brazda told Têtu, referring to the emblem gays were forced to wear to signify their homosexuality. “They had absolutely no mercy.
The “pink triangles” not only had to suffer the ill treatments of the Nazis but also had to endure the homophobia of other prisoners. In the documentary Paragraph 175, which takes its name from the German Criminal Code provision regarding homosexuality, Pierre Seel, the only Frenchman to have publicly testified about his imprisonment for being gay, explains that "the weakest people in the camps were the homosexuals; they were at the very bottom.” Seel died in 2005.
Source: The Advocate
Life's Cycle of Judgment and Hate
The cycle of history repeating itself is crazy. And also the ignorance of people in general. For example, gay being a choice. When you're in a situation where you're killed for being gay, how do you rationalize it being a choice? Survival is a basic instinct.
The cycle of history repeating itself is crazy. And also the ignorance of people in general. For example, gay being a choice. When you're in a situation where you're killed for being gay, how do you rationalize it being a choice? Survival is a basic instinct.
The Curse of Ham
"In another area of human rights, many Christian clergymen advocated slavery. Historian Larry Hise notes in his book 'Pro-Slavery' that ministers 'wrote almost half of all defenses of slavery published in America.' He lists 275 men of the cloth who used the Bible to prove that white people were entitled to own black people as work animals." [James A. Haught, 'Holy Horrors']In this groundbreaking book [The Curse of Ham], David Goldenberg seeks to discover how dark-skinned peoples, especially black Africans, were portrayed in the Bible and by those who interpreted the Bible--Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Unprecedented in rigor and breadth, his investigation covers a 1,500-year period, from ancient Israel (around 800 B.C.E.) to the eighth century C.E., after the birth of Islam. By tracing the development of anti-Black sentiment during this time, Goldenberg uncovers views about race, color, and slavery that took shape over the centuries--most centrally, the belief that the biblical Ham and his descendants, the black Africans, had been cursed by God with eternal slavery.
Source: Princeton University Press
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The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity and Islam by David M. Goldenberg
The Dark Side of Kurt Cobain
In an interview with the Advocate in 1992, Kurt Cobain discussed his band, gay activism, "carrying on with a Bisexual lifestyle" and his self-identification of being "Gay in spirit."
Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain
AD: Because people thought you were gay and you had gay friends, did you ever wonder if you might be gay?
KC: Yeah, absolutely. See I’ve always wanted male friends that I could be real intimate with and talk about important things with and be as affectionate with that person as I would be with a girl. Throughout my life, I’ve always been really close with girls and made friends with girls. And I’ve always been a really sickly, feminine person anyhow, so I thought I was gay for a while because I didn’t find any of the girls in my high school attractive at all. They had really awful haircuts and fucked-up attitudes. So I thought I would try to be gay for a while, but I’m just more sexually attracted to women. But I’m really glad that I found a few gay friends, because it toally saved me from becoming a monk or something.Another Perspective
I mean, I’m definitely gay in spirit, and I probably could be bisexual. But I’m married, and I’m more attracted to Courtney than I ever have been toward a person, so there’s no point in trying to sow my oats at this point. [Laughs] If I wouldn’t have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle. But I just find her totally attractive in all ways.
Source: Nirvana Music
Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain
Man As Machine
Higher order reactive programming
Reactive programming can be purely static [fixed] where the data flows are set-up statically, or be dynamic [adaptive] where the data flows can change during the execution of a program.
Source: Wikipedia
Static vs Dynamic Data
"In computer science, a static data structure is a data structure created for an input data set which is not supposed to change within the scope of the problem. When a single element is to be added or deleted, the update of a static data structure incurs significant costs, often comparable with the construction of the data structure from scratch. In real applications, dynamic data structures are used, which allow for efficient updates when data elements are inserted or deleted."
Source: Wikipedia
A second programming paradigm, Object Oriented Programming, is said to be modeled after paradigms of reality. The model is similar to the real world and the idea is to have, like the name suggests, an object oriented programming language with objects that interact with each other. Similar, Objective Oriented Reactive Programming also exists. Code is a language used by programmers to communicate with machines. Could genes and genetics be similar? With language and behavior being our forms of communication and genetics our code? Fixed and adaptive qualities of behavior oppose each other but is one greater than the other or do both serve a purpose? If static [fixed] is less progressive than dynamic [adaptive] qualities, Humans like machines could be mentally, socially or genetically reprogrammed from fixed to adaptive.
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Reactive programming can be purely static [fixed] where the data flows are set-up statically, or be dynamic [adaptive] where the data flows can change during the execution of a program.
Source: Wikipedia
Static vs Dynamic Data
"In computer science, a static data structure is a data structure created for an input data set which is not supposed to change within the scope of the problem. When a single element is to be added or deleted, the update of a static data structure incurs significant costs, often comparable with the construction of the data structure from scratch. In real applications, dynamic data structures are used, which allow for efficient updates when data elements are inserted or deleted."
Source: Wikipedia
A second programming paradigm, Object Oriented Programming, is said to be modeled after paradigms of reality. The model is similar to the real world and the idea is to have, like the name suggests, an object oriented programming language with objects that interact with each other. Similar, Objective Oriented Reactive Programming also exists. Code is a language used by programmers to communicate with machines. Could genes and genetics be similar? With language and behavior being our forms of communication and genetics our code? Fixed and adaptive qualities of behavior oppose each other but is one greater than the other or do both serve a purpose? If static [fixed] is less progressive than dynamic [adaptive] qualities, Humans like machines could be mentally, socially or genetically reprogrammed from fixed to adaptive.
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The Matrix
Universe Within A Universe
Very interesting yet not surprising. If you study the human body you'll realize interaction at the cellular level is very similar to reality and could be considered a microcosm of our world. So it's not very surprising that the structure of the human brain is almost identical to the structure of the Universe. To take this one step further, Astrologers base their interpretations on the interaction of the Universe (Stars, Planets) to make predictions and of course to chart the interactions and personalities of humans by using the Zodiac system. The idea is that we live in a Universe, within a Universe, within a Universe.
The Lotus Flower
The Lotus has its roots in the mud,
Grows up through the deep water,
And rises to the surface.
It blooms into perfect purity and beauty in the sunlight.
It is like the mind unfolding to perfect joy and wisdom.
Source: Spiritual Web
Grows up through the deep water,
And rises to the surface.
It blooms into perfect purity and beauty in the sunlight.
It is like the mind unfolding to perfect joy and wisdom.
Source: Spiritual Web
The Man Behind Prop 8
While [Howard F. Ahmanson Jr.] once resided in a mental institution in Kansas, he now occupies a position among the Christian right’s power pantheon as one of the movement’s most influential donors. ...“My goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.”
Source: AlterNet
Though Ahmanson's rhetoric has softened over the years, his politics are derived from the radical Christian Reconstructionist theology of R.J. Rushdoony, a far-right theologian who advocated replacing the US Constitution with biblical law. "God's government prevails," Rushdoony wrote, "and His alternatives are clear-cut: either men and nations obey His laws, or God invokes the death penalty against them." Those eligible on Rushdoony's long list for execution included disobedient children, unchaste women, apostates, blasphemers, practitioners of witchcraft, astrologers, adulterers, and, of course, anyone who engaged in "sodomy or homosexuality."
Source: Huffington Post
Jesus Was A Democrat
Jesus Christ didn’t have blue eyes or blond hair
He looked just like all those people that you want to kill
Spin your hell into a heaven you can sell
Make it look like California with a bible belt
Jesus didn’t look like the boy next door
Unless you live in Palestine
I wonder what you mean by the golden rule
I think it is a scary play on words
I wonder what they taught you back in Sunday school
Source: Lefsetz Letter
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So What Color Was Jesus?
He looked just like all those people that you want to kill
Spin your hell into a heaven you can sell
Make it look like California with a bible belt
Jesus didn’t look like the boy next door
Unless you live in Palestine
I wonder what you mean by the golden rule
I think it is a scary play on words
I wonder what they taught you back in Sunday school
Source: Lefsetz Letter
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So What Color Was Jesus?
The Matrix
What's the thought process behind stereotypes? Stereotyping is the behavior of a simple mind, it's way of understanding people. Difference is an anomaly. Maybe the mind needs time to process and adjust to differences. However, categories limit your vision and undermines the complexity of humans. Breaking the norm, literally challenges the mind and elevates consciousness.
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Against Nature?
Today we know that homosexuality is a common and widespread phenomenon in the animal world. Not only short-lived sexual relationships, but even long-lasting partnerships; partnerships that may last a lifetime.
The exhibit [Natural History Museum, University of Oslo] displays a small selection of the more than 1500 species where homosexuality has been observed. This fascinating story of the animals' secret life is told by means of models, photos, texts and specimens. The visitor will be confronted with all sorts of creatures from tiny insects to enormous spermwhales.
Source: University of Oslo
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Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles In The Wild
The exhibit [Natural History Museum, University of Oslo] displays a small selection of the more than 1500 species where homosexuality has been observed. This fascinating story of the animals' secret life is told by means of models, photos, texts and specimens. The visitor will be confronted with all sorts of creatures from tiny insects to enormous spermwhales.
Source: University of Oslo
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Change The World Through Social Media
Blogging, social news, peer-to-peer philanthropy, micro blogging, social networking, wikis, video sharing, and more. These are the new agents of change.The source article discusses change regarding Sustainability issues. However, I thought the introduction was fitting in a more broad and general sense. The message remains true. Communication, the internet, and social networking are going to further unite and change the world.
Source: Sustainablog
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Two Spirits
Two-Spirit (also two spirit or twospirit) people are Native Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles found traditionally among many Native Americans and Canadian First Nations indigenous groups. Traditionally the roles included wearing the clothing and performing the work of both male and female genders. The term usually implies a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit living in the same body and was coined by contemporary gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Native Americans to describe themselves and the traditional roles they are reclaiming. There are many indigenous terms for these individuals in the various Native American languages as "what scholars generically refer to as 'Native American gender diversity' was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples."
Source: Wikipedia
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Source: Wikipedia
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The effort to pass the $700 Billion Bailout Bill continues. The Federal Reserve, an incorporated institution collectively owned by private investors, will be the main profiteers of the Bailout Bill. The Federal Reserve is technically lending money to a credit risky borrower, the Government. The Government is going down the same path that got the economy into the current mess that it's in. The Fed lends the Government money at interest, more money is pumped into the economy (and weakens the dollar), and with the rise of Anti-American sentiment, our National Security is now at an increased risk.
The Dollar
The Dollar has no real value. Money was originally tender for Gold. Now, Money is perceived value, it is no longer backed by Gold. The value of the American dollar is based on the number of monetary units in circulation (Value = Scarcity).
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The Dollar
The Dollar has no real value. Money was originally tender for Gold. Now, Money is perceived value, it is no longer backed by Gold. The value of the American dollar is based on the number of monetary units in circulation (Value = Scarcity).
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The Power of Manifestation
The theory behind the Law of Attraction states that we create our own realities. To simplify, like attracts like, we attract things we want and things we don't want. The Law of Attraction dictates that we follow three principles in order to manifest our dreams into reality: Ask, Believe and Receive.
CA's Top Episcopal Bishops Oppose Gay Marriage Ban
California's six most senior Episcopal bishops Wednesday unanimously declared their opposition to a constitutional amendment on the statewide November ballot that would ban same-sex marriage.
The bishops argued that preserving the right of gays and lesbians to marry would enhance the "Christian values" of monogamy, love and commitment.
The bishops concluded: "We believe that this continued access [to marriage] promotes Jesus' ethic of love, giving and hope."
Source: Los Angeles TimesThe bishops argued that preserving the right of gays and lesbians to marry would enhance the "Christian values" of monogamy, love and commitment.
The bishops concluded: "We believe that this continued access [to marriage] promotes Jesus' ethic of love, giving and hope."
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Man Before God?
Christianity, an extension of Judaism, claims that Jesus is divine. God in the flesh. But isn't this in essence putting a man before God? You'll see the trend of man in place of God continue in religions historically rooted in Judaism. For example, Christians worship Jesus and Catholics praise Mary the Mother of Jesus. Islam's concept of Jesus differs but shares some similarities with Judaism. Islam does not view Jesus as God incarnate (a physical manifestation of God). When you think about it, the concept of the Trinity in Christianity is the antithesis to Monotheism or Oneness (an idea central to Abrahamic religions).
Man Before God?
Why do I think the question, man before God, is important to ask? Because when Religion removes the exaltation of a man before, in place of, or next to God you realize that all of our faiths in a God can be correct. Perception is often greater than reality.
Man Before God?
Why do I think the question, man before God, is important to ask? Because when Religion removes the exaltation of a man before, in place of, or next to God you realize that all of our faiths in a God can be correct. Perception is often greater than reality.
People say Religion and Science are two sides of the same coin. Deism follows the reason and logic found in Science along with the faith in a higher power found in Religion. Though I wouldn't call myself a Deist the main theology of Deism follows reason. It reasons that everything in the world has a creator, and follows the logical conclusion of their being an ultimate creator or Higher Power.
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Taio Cruz
Taio Cruz (Pronounced Ty-O-Cruise) is a Nigerian British, producer, songwriter, singer and performing artist.
His new album entitled Departure was released in the UK on March 17, 2008. He has so far released 5 singles from the album [and wrote] arranged, performed and produced the album himself.
Simon Cowell has hired Taio Cruz to write and produce tracks for Leona Lewis and Shayne Ward. Proving how in demand he is, Cruz is currently in Philadelphia working with superhot US producer Jim Beanz, on new music for Britney Spears, Brandy and Justin Timberlake.
Source: Wikipedia
Gay Stereotypes: Are They True?
Gay activists often criticize media coverage of gay pride parades, saying, correctly, that the media focus on the extreme, the more flamboyantly feminine men and very masculine women. But that's not us, they say. Most of us are just like everyone else.Northwestern University psychology professor Michael Bailey has spent years studying human sexuality. He says sexual orientation is something people are born with, and this orientation makes some gay men more feminine. But, we asked Bailey, isn't stereotyping harmful? "Denying stereotypes means that people have to disbelieve what is right there in front of their eyes. That can't be a good thing," Bailey said. "Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with being a feminine man or a masculine woman."Source: ABC News
The Joker (A Return To Form)

I caught this article on MTV.com which chronicles the Joker in all his incarnations from Prankster to Joker. The Joker is the quintessential psychopathic character, so I'm excited to see this side of him revisited. It also seems like the buzz around Heath Ledger's performance is building. I'll be looking forward to it.
Pauline Christianity

So this week I started reading about the origin of Christianity. And surprisingly, I never knew that modern Christianity is actually heavily influenced by Paul's teachings (formerly Saul) rather than the disciples who knew and were led by Jesus (Paul never met Jesus). Pauline Christianity is a mixture of the early Church's views, mysticism, as well as Paul's own teachings based on his "visions."
Statements about Paul by Prominent Theologians and Bible Scholars
"Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus." - Thomas Jefferson
"I draw a great distinction between the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus and the Letters of Paul. Paul's Letters are a graft on Christ's teachings, Paul's own gloss apart from Christ's own experience." - Mahatma Gandhi
"True Christianity, which will last forever, comes from the gospel words of Christ not from the epistles of Paul. The writings of Paul have been a danger and a hidden rock, the causes of the principal defects of Christian theology." - Ernest Renan, Theologian, Author of the book Saint Paul (read more quotes)
Apostle Paul Founded Modern Christianity
taken from the Sierra Reference Encyclopedia
PAUL, ST. (died c. A.D. 68), founder of Pauline Christianity. His name was originally Saul. He later claimed that he was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, from a long-established Pharisee family in Tarsus.
Paul's new religion had the advantage over other salvation-cults of being attached to the Hebrew Scriptures, which Paul now reinterpreted as forecasting the salvation-death of Jesus. This gave Pauline Christianity an awesome authority that proved attractive to Gentiles thirsting for salvation. Paul's new doctrine, however, met with disapproval from the Jewish-Christians of the Jerusalem Church, who regarded the substitution of Jesus' atoning death for the observance of the Torah as a lapse into paganism.
Paul was summoned to Jerusalem by the leaders James (Jesus' brother), Peter, and John to explain his doctrine (c.50). At the ensuing conference, agreement was reached that Paul's Gentile converts did not need to observe the Torah. This was not a revolutionary decision, since Judaism had never insisted on full conversion to Judaism for Gentiles. But Paul on this occasion concealed his belief that the Torah was no longer valid for Jews either.
He was thus confirmed in the role of "apostle to the Gentiles," with full permission to enroll Gentiles in the messianic movement without requiring full conversion to Judaism.
Paul was a religious genius, who invested Greek mystery-religion with the historical sweep and authority of the Jewish Bible.
Paul's new religion had the advantage over other salvation-cults of being attached to the Hebrew Scriptures, which Paul now reinterpreted as forecasting the salvation-death of Jesus. This gave Pauline Christianity an awesome authority that proved attractive to Gentiles thirsting for salvation. Paul's new doctrine, however, met with disapproval from the Jewish-Christians of the Jerusalem Church, who regarded the substitution of Jesus' atoning death for the observance of the Torah as a lapse into paganism.
Paul was summoned to Jerusalem by the leaders James (Jesus' brother), Peter, and John to explain his doctrine (c.50). At the ensuing conference, agreement was reached that Paul's Gentile converts did not need to observe the Torah. This was not a revolutionary decision, since Judaism had never insisted on full conversion to Judaism for Gentiles. But Paul on this occasion concealed his belief that the Torah was no longer valid for Jews either.
He was thus confirmed in the role of "apostle to the Gentiles," with full permission to enroll Gentiles in the messianic movement without requiring full conversion to Judaism.
Paul was a religious genius, who invested Greek mystery-religion with the historical sweep and authority of the Jewish Bible.
Pauline Epistles
The Pauline Epistles (or Corpus Paulinum) constitute those epistles traditionally attributed to Paul. Their names are based on the Christian groups or individuals to whom they are addressed.
- Epistle to the Romans -- Paul the Apostle
- First Epistle to the Corinthians -- Paul
- Second Epistle to the Corinthians -- Paul
- Epistle to the Galatians -- Paul
- Epistle to the Ephesians -- Paul
- Epistle to the Philippians -- Paul
- Epistle to the Colossians -- Paul
- First Epistle to the Thessalonians -- Paul
- Second Epistle to the Thessalonians -- Paul
- First Epistle to Timothy -- Paul
- Second Epistle to Timothy -- Paul
- Epistle to Titus -- Paul
- Epistle to Philemon -- Paul
- Epistle to the Hebrews -- Anonymous, traditionally attributed to Paul.
JSTOR: The Journal of Religion, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan., 1929 ), pp. 132-134
- Review: The Uniqueness of Pauline Christianity
- Harold R. Willoughby
- Reviewed work(s): St. Paul and Paganism by T. Wilson
- The Journal of Religion, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan., 1929), pp. 132-134 (review consists of 3 pages)
- Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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